Studio Jenske Dijkhuis

architectural spaces
Posts Tagged ‘Royal British Society of Sculptors’

Exhibition: Horizon Pavilion at the South Bank, London

Thanks to artist Rob Olins and photographer Anders Gramer great pictures where made of the Horizon Pavilion during its exhibition at the South Bank in London. From February 23rd to April 20th 2012 the Horizon Pavilion featured at a wonderful location on top of one of the terraces of the National Theatre.
The National Theatre is located in between the London Eye, the Hayworth Gallery and Tate Modern.



Horizon Pavilion

The Horizon Pavilion is an attempt to invoke the open, tranquil, Dutch flatland in the busy city of London. Entering the pavilion through a doorway, one enters a corridor-like structure of open metal frames which twist and widen to towards a large window. The large reflective surfaces of the window obscure most of the street view leaving just a narrow horizontal strip. The mirrors above and below this reflect the sky and give the illusion of a wide Dutch horizon: just water, land and cloudy sky.


Are you in or are you out?

The way people claim and use spaces is intriguing. By creating a border, space is defined and given a name and purpose. Both in the private and the public realm these borders define our spatial experience. Are in you or are you out? crosses boundaries by being a physical transition between one place and another. It’s a Tent trailer for the great outdoors, but with a twist. It addresses a strange paradox:
Why do many go out to the countryside and bring a fenced off miniature version of their home comforts? Why do people need the safety of home when going outdoors? Doors, walls or fences are used to define the border between inside and outside, city versus countryside, public versus private, yours versus mine. They imply a culture and feeling of belonging that often accompanies these (invisible) lines. Are you in or are you out? is an effort to make people more conscious of the space they choose to be in and how they interact with it.


Exhibition: From Public Space to Private Realm

Studio Jenske Dijkhuis is proud to announce you to the opening of the From Public Space to Private Realm Exhibition at the Royal British Society of Sculptors. After winning the 2011 FIRST@108 Public Art Award Jenske Dijkhuis was granted the privilege of a solo exhibition at the RBSS.
The prize winning Design, the Horizon Pavilion, will be unveiled during the grand opening of that exhibition.
For more information please consult:

Horizon Pavilion – under construction

The Horizon Pavilion is being made at FluxMetal in London.
Photos by Alexander David

A view from the inside:

A view as a whole:

First prize: FIRST@108 Public Art Award

Jenske Dijkhuis is proud to announce to be the winner of FIRST@108 Public Art Award ! At the award ceremony in London on the 23rd of March Studio Jenske Dijkhuis was proclaimed this years winner of FIRST@108 with The Horizon Pavilion. This competition organised by the Royal British Society of Sculptors gives artists and designers the opportunity to develop and produce a work for the public domain. In October of this year the result will be on public display for four months at the Societyʼs garden in London, England. Afterwards it will likely move to Canary Wharf to be exhibited there.

Fore more information please consult: